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Dujon, B.; Alexandraki, D.; André, B.; Ansorge, W.; Baladron, V.; Ballesta, J. P. G.; Banrevi, A.; Bolle, P. A.; Bolotin-Fukuhara, M.; Bossier, P.; Bou, G. (June 1994). “Complete DNA sequence of yeast chromosome XI”. Oliver, S. G.; van der Aart, Q. J. M.; Agostoni-Carbone, M. L.; Aigle, M.; Alberghina, L.; Alexandraki, D.; Antoine, G.; Anwar, R.; Ballesta, J. P. G.; Benit, P.; Berben, G. (May 1992). “The whole DNA sequence of yeast chromosome III”. Dujon, B.; Albermann, K.; Aldea, M.; Alexandraki, D.; Ansorge, W.; Arino, J.; Benes, V.; Bohn, C.; Bolotin-Fukuhara, M.; Bordonné, R.; Boyer, J. (May 1997). “The nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome XV”. Souciet, Jean-Luc; Aigle, Michel; Artiguenave, François; Blandin, Gaëlle; Bolotin-Fukuhara, Monique; Bon, Elisabeth; Brottier, Philippe; Casaregola, Serge; de Montigny, Jacky; Dujon, Bernard; Durrens, Pascal; Gaillardin, Claude; Lépingle, Andrée; Llorente, Bertrand; Malpertuy, Alain; Neuvéglise, Cécile; Ozier-Kalogéropoulos, Odile; Potier, Serge; Saurin, William; Tekaia, Fredj; Claire, Toffano-Nioche (2000-12-22). “Genomic Exploration of the Hemiascomycetous Yeasts: 1. A set of yeast species for molecular evolution studies 1”. FEBS Letters. Dujon, Bernard; Sherman, David; Fischer, Gilles; Durrens, Pascal; Casaregola, Serge; Lafontaine, Ingrid; de Montigny, Jacky; Marck, Christian; Neuvéglise, Cécile; Talla, Emmanuel; Goffard, Nicolas (July 2004). “Genome evolution in yeasts”.

Fabre, Emmanuelle; Muller, Héloïse; Therizols, Pierre; Lafontaine, Ingrid; Dujon, Bernard; Fairhead, Cécile (April 2005). “Comparative Genomics in Hemiascomycete Yeasts: Evolution of Sex, Silencing, and Subtelomeres”. Thierry, Agnès; Khanna, Varun; Créno, Sophie; Lafontaine, Ingrid; Ma, Laurence; Bouchier, Christiane; Dujon, Bernard (May 2015). “Macrotene chromosomes present insights to a new mechanism of high-order gene amplification in eukaryotes”. Michel, François; Jacquier, Alain; Dujon, Bernard (1982). “Comparison of fungal mitochondrial introns reveals extensive homologies in RNA secondary structure”. Coolidge, Shea (1982). “External body dimensions of Pan paniscus and Pan troglodytes chimpanzees”. A. Jacquier and B. Dujon, « An intron encoded protein is active in a gene conversion process that spreads an intron right into a mitochondrial gene », Cell, (1985) 41, p. B. Dujon, « Sequence of the intron and flanking exons of the mitochondrial 21S rRNA gene of yeast strains having completely different alleles at the omega and RIB 1 loci », Cell, (1980) 20, p.

L. Colleaux et al., « Universal code equal of a yeast mitochondrial intron studying body is expressed into E. coli as a selected double strand endonuclease », Cell, (1986) 44, p. B. Dujon et al., « Mitochondrial Genetics. National Academy of Inventors since 2017. He has been Vice President of the French Society of Genetics. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Wolfe, Kenneth H.; Shields, Denis C. (June 1997). “Molecular proof for an ancient duplication of the entire yeast genome”. Stanley, Jack (June 12, 2019). “How Keith Haring’s Influence Transcended the Art World”. Cases that led to a lot dialogue were principally related to how each coder interpreted the non-textual indicators of the meme, similar to inferring tone, sharing perspectives on any humorous elements of the memes (which can differ by age, tradition, or social location; and which was a big cause it was important to us to incorporate undergraduate college students as coders), or figuring out symbolic meaning in the images. Making these hybrids on the bench proved to me much more challenging than initially anticipated, suggesting that laboratory situations could not favor interspecific hybridizations between distant yeast species. Dujon, Bernard (2012-09-26), “Yeast Evolutionary Genomics”, Yeast, Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, pp.

Sequencing yeast genomes led to the discovery of many new genes of unknown operate, phylogenetically unrelated. Bernard Dujon tried to deal with this downside by setting up an experimental system to study the evolution of tRNA genes. Dujon, Bernard (July 1996). “The yeast genome challenge: what did we study?”. Goffeau, A.; Barrell, B. G.; Bussey, H.; Davis, R. W.; Dujon, B.; Feldmann, H.; Galibert, F.; Hoheisel, J. D.; Jacq, C.; Johnston, M.; Louis, E. J. (1996-10-25). “Life with 6000 Genes”. Ozier-Kalogeropoulos, O.; Malpertuy, A.; Boyer, J.; Tekaia, F.; Dujon, B. (1998-12-01). “Random exploration of the Kluyveromyces lactis genome and comparison with that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae”. Dujon, Bernard (2019-05-01). “My route to the intimacy of genomes”. Thierry, A; Dujon, B (1992-11-11). “Nested chromosomal fragmentation in yeast using the meganuclease I-Sce I: a brand new methodology for bodily mapping of eukaryotic genomes”. On 11 November 2020, Jean-Marc Sauve, the pinnacle of the impartial fee set up by the Catholic Church in France to analyze claims of intercourse abuse, acknowledged his fee’s sex abuse hotline, which closed on 31 October 2020, obtained 6,500 calls reporting sex abuse in a interval of 17 months.


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